
Wednesday, February 5, 2014

Hump Day Brain Dump

Hump Day: The peak of the week where everything should go downhill thereafter, but we all know poop can manage to float to the top anyway.

Brain Dump: An attempt to organize my jumbled thoughts and internet discoveries so that my mind can have some room to endure the remainder of the week.

This is kind of weird to start with, but I have to talk about eye liner. I can't really do pencils because my lids are always oily and I don't have the energy to use a pot of gel and a brush (the nerve), so my only option is really liquid. Unless I want to go au natural (never). My love for liquid liner has ebbed and flowed in the past, but I'm a stalwart devotee to Marc Jacobs' version now. It has basically turned me into a makeup wizard. The felt tip is malleable enough for a quick sweep or an elaborate cat eye. If only I had a reason to look like a cat more often.

I really wish the Egyptians had never worshipped them because damn, cats still believe we are their human slaves. Our two sheebas have cost us hundreds of dollars in home repairs, and I frequently fantasize about what it would be like to give them away while I'm writing the check for another carpet replacement.

And then, I find some cat .gifs and a video of two adorable kitty sisters, and I love my cats all over again. It's not like I have the time to re-home them anyway.

Speaking of which, why are we always lamenting about how "busy" we are? Or is it just me? I feel like I see a lot of Facebook statuses clogging my feed on the very subject. This blog post reminds me just how annoying all of us young professionals are and how we should really shut up about ourselves. NO ONE CARES HOW LONG WE WORKED!

In fact, no one seems to care about how hard we work either, so what's the point? Why are we still showing up? Hmm, I am onto something here.

Besides having a job, the other tough thing about being an adult is eating your vegetables. It's like I'm supposed to include them in every meal all of a sudden and it bums me out. I've never really eaten brussels sprouts, much less cooked with them, but this salad might just change my mind because of two important factors: 1) bacon, and 2) bacon ciabatta croutons. With some (real) parmesan cheese on top? I'm definitely trying some sprouts this weekend.

In addition to all most vegetables, I rarely cook or prepare anything with yeast. I could have purchased a bad batch of yeast at the store, but the three times I've attempted homemade pretzels in the last six months have turned out to be flour-y, sticky messes.

On the flip side of this, I'm a ridiculously huge fan of doughnuts in all their varieties. After a life-changing cronut experience at Walt Disney World this last Christmas, I've been on the hunt for a manageable doughtnut recipe and I think beignets might be my calling. Chocolate stuffed and chocolate drizzle on top? SOLD. Yeast be damned!

Even though I just complained about people complaining about their long life/work hours, I have been dabbling in freezer meals because of my own long life/work hour situation. I no longer have to chop, dice, shred, mince, brown, marinate, or season all of the things for the same meal every night, and it has been nothing short of miraculous. My food-focused Pinterest board is pretty much the source of inspiration for the month's meals. It was also kind of fun to do all the prepping and cooking on the lazy Saturday before the big Super Bowl game. I now have more time to read my ever-growing stack of books!

I always make time to re-read my favorite series though, and every time I get through Order of the Phoenix, I always start to wonder why Harry and Hermione haven't gotten together already. Don't get me wrong, Ron is great, but Harry and Hermione had chemistry! And apparently, JK Rowling and Emma Watson are wondering the same thing these days. Maybe J-Ro should write a parallel story following this long-loved fan fiction topic. I'd read it.

If you can't already tell, I'm a big fan of YA fiction because I'm perpetually 15 years old.

The Hunger Games? Yes.

The Mortal Instruments? Yes.

Beautiful Creatures? Definitely.

Divergent? Reading it now.

I'm also a big fan of their corresponding films, but I'm not sure if Vampire Academy is a series I want to get behind. I feel OK about myself when I whip out a copy of Divergent (because I still read. real. books. like with pages) but maybe I should go the more covert route and read the VA series on my Kindle app to save myself some embarrassment. I'm just so behind the times I don't know if I can catch up with all of this e-reading.

I also know I am super duper late to jump on the Orange Is The New Black bandwagon, but uh, we flew through the first season like our Netflix account was about to expire. I love it. Maybe not enough to dress like Taystee for my next, ill-advised Halloween costume (Looking at you, Julianne Hough) but definitely enough to get excited about Season 2.

Game of Thrones also floats my boat and April 6th cannot come soon enough. I love to hate her, but Cersei Lannister is kind of awesome in spite of the whole incestual affair with her twin brother (yeeeeuck). Had she been born a man, her ambition and pride would not have seemed so despicable. Or maybe she (as a he) would still be just as despicable because of the whole Lannister heritage.

Arya Stark, though, is my spirit sister. It's not our fault that we looked like boys with our terrible haircuts at 11 years old.


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