The name of this blog used to be "Short and Fat of It" and that originated from a nonsensical play on the phrase "long and short of it." When I started writing online about four years ago, I was highly focused on weight loss and maintained an unhealthy view of my body for many years. I described myself as "short" and "fat" and the "it" became this blog. I've cut back on that sort of content because I don't want to body shame myself or anyone else if I can help it. Instead, I have learned to enjoy writing about anything and everything that interests me, or, in some cases, bores me to pieces.
Like most twenty-something professionals (approaching thirty, ugh), I'm trying my best to shed my cardigan-wearing college days in the hopes of revealing a more mature, refined person underneath those pilling layers. While I'm not always mature, and I'm anything but refined, I've come to like this person I'm growing up to be quite a lot.
Fortunately! I have an unusual first name, such that when you think of "Shasta" you automatically think of a cold, refreshing carbonated beverage. I'm here to bust your soda bubble and present you with blogging material chock full of Shasta, Blogger and Writer, Occasional Extraordinaire. Of course you're sitting there scratching your head and thinking, "Gah, who is this chick? Shasta, WHO?" because who in their right mind would name their kid Shasta, amirite? (Hi Dad!)
At this present moment, I enjoy training for marathons, triathlons, and other endurance events alongside my husband, our rambunctious dog and two adorably mental cats. You'll find a great variety of posts centered around those very topics.
Stay in touch via Instagram or Pinterest. I am not up and running on Twitter still, but I suppose it's only a matter of time before I figure out how to communicate in 140 characters or less.
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